
I love a shit pile.

Metaphorically speaking of course.
There's nothing like getting right in the middle of one, smelling the odours, and somehow feel like there is peace in my neck of the woods.

Even though my neck is covered in faeces :)
Well my excercise regime!

Started off with a hiss and a roar, then, like a napalm blaze being extinguished with a helicopter dump of salty water, it's kinda fizzled out.

Like giving up anything in life, if your mind isn't in the right frame, why bother?

I'm a saaaad panda :(

Them's there are quitters words!

But the thing is, after your world says to you 'Hmmm....this looks like a great longdrop!

Here's some plops!' you start to think about things.

Do I continue on this path, or start afresh?

More often than not, the easier path of staying on the tried and tested is always the way to go. But thjat's the thing - if you never venture off the beaten track, and go AWOL in the boonies with the banjoe's, then how the hell do you know what's over the ridge? (please not sodomy, please not sodomy)

I am getting sick and tired of being the UN of my life - appeasing and making nice, but not doing fuck all because I have no balls.

I have maybe metal BB's - yow they hurt, but there's nothing like a .50 cal!

Soooo.......where to from here!

Fuck it!

Do I sound like a broken record, stuck on 'Ice Ice Baby'? Yeah, most probably.

But stayed tuned, non-existent readers! :D

I am going to stow my luggage in the overhead compartment, and go bananas!

Like an ape who wants bananas!


.....man I wish I had a voice-typer-thingymajig :(


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