I am a person that naturally likes to write.
Writing crap is my specialty!
But here's something I wrote a while back - morbid as crap, but what the hey!
Chuck a thumpin D&B bassline over it, and you have pure liquid gold!!!!

Where's My Fucking Knuckleduster?

Missing you, feeling blue,
Just dinners for 1, no dinners for 2
Missing you, like losing a shoe,
I can't recall where I left you?

A pen can say great words of joy,
The pen also has the power to destroy
Great hopes and dreams and fun time things,
And everything else in between.

I am just so confused right now,
How much more can I allow?
Nice things for you and trips abroad,
But Monaco's something I can't afford.
To make you smile is my only dream,
We make such an awesome team!


Missing you, like taking a poo,
Sometimes it’s tough, but i'll pull through

Missing you, just missing you,
Have to accept the no me and you

- Fin


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