
As I gaze up at the Southern Cross,
My thoughts are full of fear and loss.

Mistakes i've made, regrets too,
Just makes me feel sad and blue.

But I look up again, and then I think,
As it may semm that life's gone down the sink:

'Fuck it! Tomorrow is another day!!'

Come the morrow night will I say:
'Life is shit....Woe is me!'

Why do I think these things when I see..

The beauty of the stars above!
And yet why do I just of love??

Kisses, hugs....smiles and grins:
All the things I fail to win...

The darkness, black, cold of night,
Should not be my outlook on life!

The warmth of the brand new dawn
Should renew my thoughts, become reborn!
Embrace the new and sunny day,
Until a star shines my way.


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