Well it's Monday and time for a fresh start!
Full on Fresh-Up start.

Just going to be starting the ball rolling to getting back in tip-top shape for, hopefully, the upcoming rugby season.

Step 1 - Remodel!
I'm now a bald eagle (in the non mmm-tasty-foofie way!)
Why I did that - I dunno.
But it's all sort of adding into the whole 'focus on moi' attitude i'm taking to self renewal and general re-inventment (if that's even a word!)
And now it's time for the Kanye Workout Plan to get myself back in the game.

Step 2 - Wheels!
Man, i'm sooo sick and tired of having to use the Poobird to get around in!
Am keen on getting either a 3 Series BMW Coupe, or a VW Golf, but as per yet..... No joy.....
Damn stupid economic recession!!!

Step 3 - Shelter!
Need some new digs, preferably in town or the shining light of Petone.

Soon as i've done these 3, time to move onto the final coup-de-grace....

Grow my hair back!
Until i've met these three things, i'm going to meditate and keep my costs low, so if you see my mop growing out, you know i'm all breezy and easy! :)


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