
I remember being taught in 4th Form Science that if one species of insect should become extinct, it could have catastrophic consequences on the global eco-system.
I now think that that is a shovel load of doggy doodoo.
I mean, really - would the world not be better off with some of the annoying winged assholes?

For example - Flies.

We need them - I know that for a fact, because they help breakdown food and the maggots help curb the zombie plague by eating tasty flesh.

They also play the starring role in helping our inside shame and disgust come out when we see little Gedadeech surrounded by them in Somalia.


Here's a list of annoying assholes that i'd happily crush!!!

Mosquitoes - Major Prick.

What the hell do these little shitmonsters do except pass on Malaria, Yellow and Dengue fever?

The bane of any enjoyable hot late night weather are these little turd munchering parasites coming in and ruining all the fun.



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